Image Distorted - Part 8

Scripture Reading - 2 Corinthians 10:4-7 KJV

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
7 Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ's, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ's, even so are we Christ's.

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. We also taught a lesson on man trying to project his “image” of himself or herself upon others. This means that the people of greater influence typically have a greater “image” of themselves than they ought. We highlighted that “an inner image from God” affects man in a positive sense by God’s design. We have briefly spoken on “Outside Images” that negatively affect all people on the earth as a whole. In another lesson we focused on “The Image of Man” where both men and women have an “image” according to God’s design and the society they live in that they are endeavoring to uphold. We have also spoken on the ever “evolving image” of men and women that can never be perfected because we change over time and our perspective changes too. Today we will touch on the “distorted image” of people because what they see is the corruptible nature of man. We (ihlcc) will explain by starting with a person with a low self-esteem (or at least that is what some psychologist would say). We from a Christian perspective could just as easily say that they a suffering from an “image distortion” because they are seeing an “image (imagination) of imperfection” from the fall of man. The Good Lord Jesus came to save us from our sins and He has done just that. However, if we choose to focus on the carnal nature of man and/or the current condition of our physical body we will have a tainted (jaded) view. For example, going back to our person of low self-esteem if all they have heard for most of their life is, “You are slow in school and you will never amount to anything important”. They will be tempted to believe that specific lie because it is the will of Satan to keep people down mentally by being hopeless about their future. The kingdom of darkness will work overtime to keep that negative thought in the forefront of their mind. If one believes that they will never amount to anything important they lose all motivation to excel, many stop even trying. This is exactly why so much hopelessness is prevalent in the earth today. Yes, some people have these negative strongholds in their mind keeping them trapped and frustrated and unable to see the Goodness of God in the earth today. Why frustration? because we (ihlcc) see in the world there are millions of people (unbelievers) living in this world today who have no hope (no confidence in God). Even worst there are also millions of Christians who know that God loves them and saved them but how to activate the Power of God (His Grace through Faith) is a great mystery to them. You see, our faith friend, it is one thing to know God but it is entirely different to understand God so well that you are walking in His Perfect Will for your life. We (ihlcc) will now make a bold statement, “No Person on this earth will ever become what God intended for them to be without an accurate image of God”. Yes, you can never be what God created you to be without conforming to the “undistorted image” God designed and that whole process starts with you first seeing an accurate “image of God”. Thus, the “distorted image” of your past carnal ways and/or your ungodly lifestyle can only bring death because death is the ultimate destination for that “ungodly image”. Every image has a source and a final designation that it is heading toward, we must choose either God’s Image of Christ’s Life for Heaven or Satan’s image of death for Hell, you choose, not God. For the Love of God, choose life (choose Jesus Christ) that both you and your family can live. We as born-again world overcoming believers must purpose in heart to renew our mind that we may be transformed into a true child of God who looks, speaks and acts just like God, this is what being a disciple of Jesus is all about. Some would question that last statement by thinking that goal is too lofty but we would challenge that individual thought and cast it down because God doesn’t think that way. The Holy Bible is full of statements from God that encourage us to be like God and since Jesus died for our sins and ascended from the grave to the throne of God to bring us into complete fellowship with our loving Father God, who would dare insult God’s Great Plan of Salvation by stating His Perfect Plan won’t work for all mankind. No, no, our faith friend, God’s plan of salvation include “perfect imaginary” and that is exactly why the Father sees us in the “precise image of Jesus Christ”. Yes, the Great and Brilliant God sees us Perfected in Christ and that is exactly how we should see ourselves. We (ihlcc) don’t see ourselves according to our past sins and failures but rather today, right now, in this moment of faith, we see ourselves as seated together with Him in Heavenly Places. Yes, we see ourselves happy, so we rejoice, we see ourselves as prosperous, so we give thanks, we see ourselves as leaders, so we praise God, we see ourselves as intelligent, so we sing unto the Lord, we see ourselves as redeemed, so we worship the Lord Jesus and our Father God. What we are trying very passionately to convey is that you need to see yourself as God sees you because then (and only then) will you start believing in the person (personality) God created you to be, not a mere man but rather a strong and powerful Child of God. We don’t ever have to tolerate a “distorted image” in Christ because the “exact image of Jesus” is resident within us. Yes, if you are not saved you will fulfill the “distorted image of man” that will not yield the good fruitful results of God. However, if you are saved you definitely have the potential to conform into “God’s wonderful image of Jesus” and if you purpose to be like Jesus you shall be like Jesus, in Jesus Name. Remember you are who you “imagine” yourself to be whether perfected or distorted, so in Jesus Name choose Perfected (Perfection in Christ Jesus) so that our Loving Father, the Lord Jesus with His Saints and even some unbelievers will recognize you as a Pure Child of God not a “distorted image” of man. Amen!